Ministry of Education
Language, Speech, and Voice Disorders Special Education Center
İstanbul - Bahçelievler 2013
19 years in Special Education
"10th year" in Speech and Language Therapy
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- Hızlı Bozuk Konuşma Nedir? | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Hızlı Bozuk Konuşma Hızlı Bozuk Konuşma (HBK), konuşma sırasında normalden hızlı ve düzensiz bir şekilde konuşmanın sonucunda ortaya çıkan bir akıcılık bozukluğudur. Bu durum, konuşmanın anlaşılırlığını ve akıcılığını ciddi şekilde etkileyebilir. Hızlı bozuk konuşma, kekemelikle sıklıkla karıştırılsa da, ikisi farklı bozukluklardır ve farklı tedavi yaklaşımları gerektirir. Hızlı bozuk konuşmanın bazı belirgin özellikleri şunlardır: Hızlı Konuşma: Kişinin konuşma hızı normallerden yüksektir. Düzensiz Ritm: Konuşma ritmi düzensiz ve kontrolsüzdür. Anlaşılabilirlik Sorunları: Hızlı ve düzensiz konuşma nedeniyle dinleyici için anlaşılması zor olabilir. Hızlı Bozuk Konuşmanın Nedenleri Hızlı bozuk konuşmanın nedenleri tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte, genetik ve çevresel faktörlerin etkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bazı araştırmalar, nörolojik temellere sahip olabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Dil ve Konuşma Terapileri Hızlı bozuk konuşmanın tedavisinde dil ve konuşma terapistleri önemli bir rol oynar. Terapiler genellikle şu alanlara odaklanır: Konuşma Hızının Kontrolü: Konuşma hızının yavaşlatılması ve ritmin düzenlenmesi. Nefes Kontrolü: Doğru nefes teknikleri ile konuşmanın desteklenmesi. Anlaşılabilirlik Artırma: Net ve anlaşılır konuşma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi. Erken Müdahale ve Farkındalık Hızlı bozuk konuşmanın fark edilmesi ve erken müdahale edilmesi, tedavi sürecinin başarısını artırır. Bu nedenle, kişilerin veya ailelerin bu durumu erken fark etmeleri ve bir dil ve konuşma terapistine başvurmaları önemlidir. Sonuç Hızlı Bozuk Konuşma, doğru terapi ve tekniklerle yönetilebilen bir durumdur. Dil ve konuşma terapistleri, bireylerin konuşma hızını kontrol altına alarak, daha anlaşılır ve akıcı bir konuşma becerisi geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur. Bu konuda farkındalığın artırılması ve erken müdahale, tedavi sürecinde önemli bir yer tutar. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Fonolojik Bozukluk | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Phonological Disorder The main feature of the phonological disorder is the lack of smoothness and sound harmony expected in the speech of the person in accordance with his age, dialect and developmental period. These children cannot make the speech sounds they are expected to make. Phonological Disorder The main feature of the phonological disorder is the lack of smoothness and sound harmony expected in the speech of the person in accordance with his age, dialect and developmental period. These children cannot make the speech sounds they are expected to make. Dissonance and use of the voice may be in the form of incorrect emphasis and selection, or irregularities in arrangement (for example, the use of the "t" sound instead of the "k" sound). Some omissions can be made, such as not saying the consonants at the end. Difficulties with making speech sounds interfere with school success, professional success, or social communication. The sounds that are most frequently made wrong are the sounds that are expected to improve with age, such as "ı, r, s, z, t, ç". However, mistakes can be made in vowels and consonants that should be learned in the early period in those who are younger or more severely affected. Limping speech, which is manifested by discursive whistling sounds, is particularly common. Phonological disorder also includes errors in the ordering and selection of sounds in syllables and words. The disorder may be accompanied by hearing impairment, disorders in the structure of the mouth, tongue, lips and palate, neurological conditions, cognitive limitations, or psychological problems. The rate of phonological disorders of unknown cause in pre-school period is 2.5%. It is more common in boys than girls. The incidence and severity of the disorder also vary depending on age. It usually becomes evident by the age of 4 years. While its incidence is 3-5% in pre-school period, it is 2% in school-age children. Approximately 2-3% of 6-7 year olds have moderate to severe phonological impairment, whereas milder frequency is higher. After the age of 17, this rate drops to 0.5%. In severe phonological disorder, the child's speech may not be understood even by family members. Milder degrees of the disorder may not be recognized until the preschool or school setting, but may be understood by those outside the family. Spontaneous recovery is common in mild degrees where the cause is unknown. While evaluating the development of communicative skills, the culture and language structure of the person should be taken into account, especially for those who grew up in environments where two languages are valid. Mental retardation (MR), hearing impairment or another sensory disorder, a speech-related motor disorder, and severe environmental deprivation may be associated with speech disorders. The presence of these problems can be determined by intelligence testing, audiometric testing, neurological testing, and clinical examination. In such cases, in order to add a diagnosis of phonological disorder, the difficulty in speaking is expected to be more than that accompanying these problems. Problems limited to speech rhythm or voice should be treated as stuttering. If speech disorders are due to a lack of environmental stimulus, correcting the environmental problem may provide a rapid improvement in the child's speech. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Erken Evre (Çocukluk Dönemi) Kekemelik | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Erken Evre Kekemelik Nedir? Erken evre kekemelik, genellikle çocukların dil ve konuşma becerilerini geliştirdiği 2 ila 5 yaşları arasında ortaya çıkar. Bu dönemde çocukların konuşma sırasında bazı kelimeleri tekrar etmesi, duraklaması veya sesleri uzatması normal gelişimin bir parçası olarak kabul edilebilir. Ancak bu akıcısızlıkların uzun süre devam etmesi durumunda kekemelik gelişebilir. Kekemeliğin Gelişim Süreci Erken çocukluk döneminde ortaya çıkan kekemelik, çocuğun beyin yapısının gelişim süreciyle ilgilidir. Bu dönemde dil becerileri hızla gelişirken, bazı çocuklar konuşma akıcılığıyla ilgili zorluklar yaşayabilir. Bu durum, genellikle çocukların konuşma hızının dil gelişiminden daha hızlı olmasıyla ilişkilendirilir. Kekemelik, çocuğun kendiliğinden geçebileceği gibi, bazı durumlarda profesyonel bir müdahale gerekebilir. Kekemelik Tedavisinde Erken Müdahale Erken müdahale, kekemeliğin ilerlemesini önlemede kritik bir rol oynar. Ailelerin, çocuklarının konuşma akıcılığıyla ilgili sorunları fark ettiğinde, bir dil ve konuşma terapistine başvurmaları önemlidir. Erken dönemde başlatılan terapiler, çocuğun konuşma akıcılığını artırabilir ve özgüvenini geliştirebilir. Ailelerin Rolü Aileler, çocuklarının kekemeliği ile başa çıkmalarında büyük bir destek kaynağıdır. Ailelerin çocuklarına sabırlı ve anlayışlı bir şekilde yaklaşmaları, onların stres seviyelerini azaltabilir ve konuşma sırasında kendilerini daha rahat hissetmelerini sağlayabilir. Ayrıca, çocuğun konuşma çabalarını desteklemek ve onunla pozitif bir iletişim kurmak da kekemeliğin yönetiminde etkili olabilir. Sonuç Erken evre kekemelik, birçok çocukta görülen bir durumdur ve çoğu zaman kendiliğinden düzelebilir. Ancak, uzun süre devam eden kekemelik durumlarında erken müdahale ve profesyonel destek almak önemlidir. Ailelerin bu süreçte bilinçli ve destekleyici bir rol oynaması, çocuğun konuşma becerilerini geliştirmesine yardımcı olabilir. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- İletişim-Ulaşım | Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı DilKonMerDil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları
Contact us Phone me! phone If you want us to contact you, please fill out the form. Our appointment and information department will contact you as soon as possible. Address ; Şirinevler Mahallesi Fetih Caddesi Fetih 3rd Street No.2 City Plaza, 5th Floor, 34188 Bahçelievler/Istanbul, Turkey (+90) 212 963 63 12 (+90) 212 653 71 91 (+90) 505 635 34 85 Name Email Telephone Submit Form to Call Back Thank you for submitting!
- Kekemelik Terapilerinde Kullanılan Bilimsel Yöntemler | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Kekemelik Terapilerinde Kullanılan Bilimsel Yöntemler Kekemelikte kullanılan terapi yöntemleri arasında şunlar sayılabilir: Davranış yöntemleri: Kekemeliği davranışsal bir problem olarak ele alır ve konuşmayı sağlayan fiziksel mekanizmaların yeniden şekillendirilmesine yönelik teknikler uygular. Örneğin, blok modifikasyonu, kolay konuşma tekniği, uzatılmış konuşma, nefes alıştırmaları gibi. Entegre yöntemler: Kekemeliği hem davranışsal hem de duygusal bir problem olarak görür ve hem konuşma akıcılığını arttırmaya hem de kekemelikle ilgili olumsuz duyguları azaltmaya çalışır. Örneğin, bilişsel davranışçı terapi, duygusal özgürleştirme terapisi, kekemelik kabulü terapisi gibi. İşitsel geri bildirim: Kekeme kişinin kendi sesini belli bir oranda yavaşlatarak veya gürültü ile maskeleyerek duymasını sağlayan bir alettir. Bu sayede kişi konuşma akıcılığını arttırabilir. Lidcombe terapi tekniği: Ebeveynler tarafından 2-6 yaş arası yani okul öncesi çocuklara gündelik hayatta uygulanan bir terapi tekniğidir. Terapi sırasında ebeveynler çocuklarının akıcı ve kekeme konuşmalarını fark eder ve onlara uygun geri bildirimler verir. Yaruss Tekniği: Kekemeliği hem davranışsal hem de duygusal bir problem olarak ele alır. Çocuklara konuşma akıcılığını arttırmak için teknikler öğretirken, aynı zamanda kekemelikle ilgili olumsuz duygu ve düşüncelerini değiştirmelerine yardımcı olur1. Kekemelik tedavisinde hangi yöntemin uygun olduğuna karar vermek için dil ve konuşma terapistinin değerlendirmesi gerekmektedir. Kekemelik problemi yaşayan kişilerin bu konuda uzman Dil ve Konuşma Terapistlerinden yardım alması önemlidir. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Artikülasyon Bozukluğu Türleri | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Types of Articulation Disorder Types of articulation disorders are seen in 4 different types in children: Lowering or skipping of the voice, Adding the voice, Changing the voice, Distorting the voice Types of Articulation Disorder Articulation disorders occur in 4 different types in children: 1-Lowering or skipping volume 2-Sound addition 3-Sound change 4-Distorted sound Lowering or skipping the sound: It occurs when the word is tried to be said without removing all the sounds that make up a word. The word is spoken as if that word did not have that sound. For example: Clock............... Towels..............courtyard weather animal........animal door.............door Adding sound: Some of the children say some words by adding other sounds that are not actually in that word. They usually try to say it by adding a vowel between two consecutive consonants. Other sounds can also be added. This word can be at the beginning, middle or end. For example: train.........tire Psychology............psychology clock.........area Sports ................................. sports Recep..... Changing the sound: It is one of the most common articulation disorders. A sound that is difficult to make in a word is replaced with a sound that is easy for the child to make. Substitutions are sometimes in the sound at the beginning of that word, and sometimes in the sounds in the middle. Sometimes substitutions can also be made by changing the places of the sounds in the word. Frequently changed sounds are 'rs-ş-k-t'. For example: money……… Ring..........ring calendar soil.........soil Truck.....kaymon Black Rock book.........kipat Bridge.........bridge Distortion of sound: Here, the sound that needs to be extracted while creating a word is spoken as a different sound than it is. For example: Income..............gelix (x is a native sound) Karagöz........kaxgöz.....kagagöz You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Afazi Kimlerde Görülür | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Who Gets Aphasia? Studies have reported that the frequency of development of aphasia with stroke varies by 24-36%. Who Gets Aphasia? Studies have reported that the incidence of aphasia with stroke varies between 24-36%. Considering the general population, it is thought that 33-52 of a hundred thousand people have aphasia due to stroke. Gender has no significant effect on the development of stroke-induced aphasia, but the likelihood of aphasia occurring increases with aging and the risk of cardioembolism. Aphasia occurs in the cerebral cortex and is a very complex condition caused by the damage of brain tissues for many different reasons. Brain tumors, head traumas, epilepsy and infections are among the factors that cause aphasia. Head trauma draws attention as a very common factor among the conditions that cause aphasia, and the type of aphasia differs according to the localization of the brain area where the trauma causes damage. In addition, although not commonly encountered, infections associated with high fever can cause different neurological problems, damage the brain and cause aphasia. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Yorumlar | DilKonMer Dil, Konuşma ve Ses Bozuklukları Özel Eğitim Merkezi
Satisfaction Forms-Comments Deniz Berk Age 8 Articulation Disorder He was making a mistake in the output of letters. He received therapy for 8 months. We thank you. Mehmet Fatih Age 10 Articulation Disorder My child had a speech disorder. He couldn't pronounce some letters. He got better after the training we received at the institution. We have seen a lot of benefits. I was very satisfied with everything. Thank you for your hard work. Haktan Emir Age 16 Fluent Speech Disorder We applied for speech disorder. We have made a certain distance in 2 years. Thank you for your interest and involvement. Mirac Age 9 Delayed Speech We applied for my child's speech problem. The education and therapies our child received have been very good for our child. Both the trainers and the managers were warm. Thanks to them and all the staff. Mirac Age 12 Articulation Disorder I applied for an acupuncture disorder. I am satisfied with the training I have received. My son has no problems. I was satisfied with everything Omer Mete Age 3 Delayed Speech I applied because of speaking problem. I was very satisfied with the therapies, but due to the persistence of autism symptoms, I moved to an institution where he could receive more extensive training. Thank you very much for your interest. I wish I had just continued speech problem. Sevde Sore Throat While Talking - Voice Therapy I applied for pain in the throat and hoarseness while speaking. We corrected the mistakes I made while talking to the therapist. I have benefited greatly from the therapy. Valiant Speech Delay We applied for speech retardation. I am very satisfied Yusuf Aras Fluent Speech Disorder - Stuttering My 4 year old son had speech stuttering. That's why we applied here and learned from Fatmanur teacher how we should communicate with our child and how we should play. We've come a long way in therapy together. We saw the benefit. Children can progress a lot with the differences that we can reduce at an early age and make with our daily lives. Comments All of the form pictures published on this page have been filled in by the individual receiving therapy from our center or his/her family with their own handwriting.
- Ses Teli Hastalığı Polip-Nodül | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Vocal Cord Disease Polyp-Nodule Polyps and nodules formed in the vocal cords are called benign protrusions that occur after trauma. Nodules are seen bilaterally, while polyps are seen unilaterally in the vocal cords. These vocal cord diseases, which usually occur after the wrong use of the voice, can be corrected with voice therapy. Vocal Cord Disease Polyp-Nodule vocal cord nodules Vocal cord nodules are more common in children, adolescents, and adults, mostly in women. In the anterior third of the true vocal folds, they are called benign protrusions that arise after trauma andIt is usually seen bilaterally. Excessive and incorrect use of sound and poor vocal hygiene cause vocal cord nodules to form. Vocal cord nodules may prevent the vocal folds from closing completely during vocalization, causing the voice to be breathy, low-pitched and coarse. Commonly seen in teachers and professional audio users. In its treatment, voice therapy and surgical intervention are used. Even if the nodule structure is removed after surgery, excessive and incorrect use of the voice continues, and the nodule may reappear as a result of not providing voice hygiene. is seen. Vocal Cord Polyps Vocal cord polyps caused by incorrect and excessive use of the voiceis usually unilateral. It is more common in men. Polyps are the second most common voice disorder after nodules. In its emergence; Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), smoking, Factors such as inhalation of chemicals play a role. According to some studies, it has been stated that the main source is smoking. . When the vocal folds of the individuals are examined, irregularity in the closure of the vocal folds and a decrease in the mucosal wave motion are observed. Also, larger polyps appear to present breathing problems. As a result, when the sound characteristics are examined, there is a decrease in the fundamental frequency and loudness, while the sound becomes more breathy and coarse. Although many surgical interventions such as laryngeal microsurgery, steroid injection, and endoscopic laser have been performed in the treatment of vocal cord polyps, recent studies emphasize the importance of voice therapy approach in the treatment of vocal cord polyps. In the treatment of polyps, first voice therapy is used and it is seen to be effective. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Bebeklerde Dil ve Konuşma Gelişimi | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Language and Speech Development in Babies From the first moment they are born, babies begin to communicate with the people around them to meet their needs. Crying is the first form of communication. Language and Speech Development in Babies From the first moment they are born, babies begin to communicate with the people around them to meet their needs. Crying is the baby's first form of communication. This is how they express their wishes and complaints. They start making meaningless sounds. Over time, these sounds give way to meaningful sounds and words. So, how can you support your baby's language and speech development? First of all, it is very important to have sound hearing for language and speech development. Because speaking is a skill learned by hearing. Hearing screening is therefore vital for speech. You can start talking to your babies from the moment they are born. Simple and short phrases make it easy for baby to learn, follow and repeat. Talking in the form of question and answer positively affects language development. For example; When his father comes home, you can use question-answer phrases such as "aaa! Who's here?....father is here". But your baby at the end of 6 months * Does not respond when called, * If the sound is not playing games, * If there is no syllable repetition, * Does not make intonations while crying or producing sound; ya at the end of the 12th month * If there is no significant syllable repetition, * If his name is spoken and he does not react to the stimuli around him; Considering that there may be factors that negatively affect language and speech development, you should consult a specialist speech and language therapist. Remember, development starts with healthy communication! You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Afazi Nasıl Tanılanır? | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Types of Aphasia Aphasias are classified according to damage to the receptive and expressive language areas. The most common types of aphasia are Broca's Aphasia and Wernicke's Aphasia. Afazi Nasıl Tanılanır? Afazi, beyinde dil ve konuşmadan sorumlu bölgelerin hasar görmesi sonucu oluşan bir bozukluktur. Afazi tanısı genellikle beyin hasarı geçiren kişiyi tedavi eden Nöroloji Doktoru tarafından konulur. Doktor, hastanın iletişim becerilerini kısa bir değerlendirme sonrası afaziden şüphelendiği takdirde, daha ayrıntılı bir değerlendirme için vakayı bir Dil ve Konuşma Terapistine (DKT) yönlendirir. Dil ve Konuşma Terapisti, hastanın konuşma, anlama, okuma, yazma ve iletişim becerilerini ölçmek için çeşitli testler uygular. Bu testler hastanın afazi türünü, şiddetini ve etkilenen dil alanlarını belirlemeye yardımcı olur. Ayrıca hastanın güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini, ihtiyaçlarını ve hedeflerini de ortaya koyar. Afazi tanısı için ayrıca MRI (Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme) veya BT (Bilgisayarlı Tomografi) gibi görüntüleme yöntemleri de kullanılabilir. Bu yöntemler beyindeki hasarın yerini, boyutunu ve nedenini göstermeye yarar. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation
- Artikülasyon Bozukluğunun Nedenleri | DilKonMer Özel Eğitim
Causes of Articulation Disorder In children with Articulation Disorder, it is necessary to decide which sounds and which types of articulation disorders the child has a problem with. The severity of the Articulation Disorder should be determined. Causes of Articulation Disorder Structural Reasons Children may have articulation disorders due to one or more organic disorders in the speech organs, especially in the 3rd cluster organs. The most common structural defect in the lips is the upper lip cleft (rabbit lip). The lip sounds 'pbmf-v' may sound distorted in this case. The lips may have an unusually thin or thick texture. The absence of teeth, irregularity, and teeth may distort the sounds. The structure and mobility of our jaws are important in making some sounds. For example, articulation disorder may occur if the lower jaw is too far back and the anterior, upper and lower teeth are sitting in an overlapping manner. If the lower jaw's ability to move up, down, right and left is limited, articulation may be adversely affected. In addition, the crooked, cracked nasal bone and the presence of meat on the nasal mucosa are among the factors that cause articulation disorders. The fact that our tongue is too large or small compared to the tongue bed or cavity, the tongue tie is too extended, disorders in the tongue muscles and nerves, the unusual bluntness of the tongue tip and tongue wounds affect the articulation negatively. If the palate is excessively high or flat, the part called the soft palate lacks the required softness or is paralyzed, cleft uvula, unusually small or shifted uvula to one side may cause distorted sound. Functional Reasons It is considered that there are functional reasons when the speech organs are not able to perform their duties even though they are sound. Hearing impairment or deficiencies in hearing sensitivity also negatively affect articulation. Hearing impairment affects the sound receiver. The degree of impact depends on the type and degree of hearing impairment. In some cases of articulation disorders, as mental retardation increases, the degree of disability also increases. On the other hand, the mental level of the child is also very important for the correction of the articulation disorder. Some of the articulation disorders are entirely due to incorrect learning. The language spoken at home, the discouragement of the child, the inhibition of speech, and the environments that do not allow to reinforce speech are the factors that cause articulation disorders. In some cases, speech disorders may develop due to emotional conflict. The most difficult to correct articulation disorders are those due to emotional disharmony or conflict. In such cases, only performing articulation correction studies may not be of much benefit. In addition, educational measures and psychotherapy may be required. Diagnostics In the diagnosis, it is necessary to decide in which sounds and in which types of articulation barriers the child with articulation disorder has difficulty. The severity of the articulation disorder should be determined. The place of the sounds with articulation disorders in the word should be determined. Articulation tests are used to make the determination more accurate, complete and detailed. Articulation tests can take different forms such as making the child talk, reading, and answering questions. Which test will be used depends on the child's condition. If he can read, tests for reading can be used, if he does not know, picture tests can be used, and it can be determined by speaking freely with the child. You Can Get a Free Pre-Interview Appointment Communication-Transportation