Ministry of Education
Language, Speech, and Voice Disorders Special Education Center
İstanbul - Bahçelievler 2013
19 years in Special Education
"10th year" in Speech and Language Therapy

Inability to Speak the R Sound - ROTASISM
Inability to say the R sound is the most common articulation (speech sound) disorder in our society, and it can be resolved in a short time by expert therapists.
Inability to Speak the R Sound - ROTASISM
Rotacism, or "r" sound disorder, is a type of articulation (voice) disorders. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the rheumatism is pathological or structural. For this reason, ENT and Neurology specialists can be consulted. After the situation assessment, if there is a pathological problem, this problem can be solved with speech therapy to correct the voice disorder after a surgical operation. If there is a structural problem, the therapy program should be started with speech-language therapy to be given by a Speech Language Therapist/Pathologist or Speech-Sound Disorders specialist without the need for a surgical operation.
First of all, it is necessary to know which "r"s are not removed. For this, the speech language therapist will do a little exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to determine in which situations (beginning, middle, and end) the "r" sound cannot be uttered. After the test, it will be revealed which “r”s cannot be said.
The "R" sound is a dental sound that can be acquired up to the age of 6. The "R" sound is created by combining our lower and upper teeth with a slight gap and vibrating our tongue behind this gap. The R” sound can also be produced by turning our tongue backwards like a snail while our lower and upper teeth are open, and touching up to the back of the front lower teeth with our breath. Due to its origin and shape, children may have difficulty acquiring this letter.
With a short-term speech therapy (6-8 sessions on average) to be applied, the "r" articulation has been gained to the individual and there is no problem in this letter, which has been studied throughout his/her life.
Why can rotism occur?
Dyslalia, which occurs due to missing teeth during tooth replacement, may continue after the teeth are completed.
for environmental reasonr
If there is an articulation disorder in the child's close environment, the child may imitate him. It is possible that the situation that occurs during childhood becomes permanent due to the pressure of parents and the environment.
Kinesthetic sense weakness
Cannot adjust tongue position due to kinesthetic sense weakness. Cognitive disorders Unknown causes Congenital or acquired disorders in the structures of the lips, tongue, pharynx, larynx, nose Past operations Dental anomalies, deficiencies and disorders The "R" sound can be heard and used under normal conditions at the maximum age of 6. All sounds can be clearly pronounced at the age of 8 and available. It will be beneficial for the development of children who are older than 8 years old, who have a voice deficiency, to apply to a speech and language therapist.