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Konuşma Gelişiminde 
Yanlış İnanışlar

In Speech Development 
False Beliefs

Boys speak late, Having a parent or other family member who anticipates the child's every request, Having a speech problem with a brother/sister or a close person around him, Being stubborn, Tongue tie...

​Common Misconceptions About Language and Speech Development

It is always difficult to know what is causing the language and speech problem. But there are some known facts about what doesn't:


  •  Boys speak late
Studies show that the language development of boys in the preschool period may be slower than that of girls, but it is emphasized that this difference is only one or two months. A greater difference would be expected before this child could be diagnosed with a significant language and speech delay or disorder. For example, a 2-year-old child shows the characteristics of a 1-and-a-half-year-old period. However, it is known that speech and language disorders are more common in boys. Therefore, the slightest suspicion should be taken into account and followed up.


  • Having a parent or other family member who anticipates and fulfills the child's every request
Talking is the most valid and effective way for the child to meet their wishes. If the boy could do it, he would. However, this behavior does not contribute positively to the child's already delayed speech. The ideal is to facilitate and contribute to the child's ability to verbally meet their wants and needs.


  • Having a speech problem with a brother/sister or a close person around
Not only do they interact with speechless or impaired individuals, children interact with many well-speaking people at the grocery store, daycare center, or park. The child will not take as a model only the person whose speech is not correct.


  •  Being stubborn
No child chooses not to speak out of stubbornness or to become irritable, throwing himself on the ground, harming his environment, or communicating with signs instead of communicating with words or sentences despite all the pressures of his environment. It is necessary to evaluate this not as the reason for not speaking, but as a situation that is affected by the inability to speak.


  • tongue tie
In some cases, although families are advised to have a tongue-tie operation, it is not a case that tongue-tie will definitely affect speech. The child's language movements may also be limited due to insufficient use of language or another problem. In this regard, it is important to consult a speech and language therapist to evaluate the child's language movements and speech development, to obtain information about whether or not the tongue tie affects speech or how much it affects speech, and then to decide on the operation.


It is also important to avoid these suggestions:

  • He will overcome the problem on his own


Yes, some of the children will overcome their problems and some will not. You never know what level your child will achieve.


  • Too young to be considered

It is difficult to make an evaluation in the younger age group, but one should not expect an evaluation consisting of only a test, picture and book. The child's hearing can be evaluated. In addition, necessary suggestions can be given by evaluating how he understands verbal language, how he plays games, how he communicates with other children or adults.


  • He doesn't speak anyway, how will he be evaluated?


The child may not be able to express himself verbally, but his understanding of verbal language and pre-speech non-verbal communication skills can be assessed. In this way, suggestions can be given to the family by the expert to increase the child's expression skills.


  • Wait and see until school starts


Research on this subject is very clear and clear: the earlier a child starts education, the faster his progress will be. This applies not only to language and speech, but to all areas of development.


Our Center, which is affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, provides service with a Free Pre-Interview Appointment System. You can come to our center by making an appointment with the child as soon as possible.

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