Ministry of Education
Language, Speech, and Voice Disorders Special Education Center
İstanbul - Bahçelievler 2013
19 years in Special Education
"10th year" in Speech and Language Therapy

Delayed Speech
Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psychosocial development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age.
Delayed Speech
Language development begins from birth. In the development of the child, psycho-social development, development of social relations, intelligence and learning skills should be at the normal level of development expected for his age.
Language is studied in two parts. These are receptive language (auditory perception) and expressive language. Receptive language is the child's grasp and understanding of verbal expressions. In addition, expressive language is the expression of thoughts or feelings with the help of symbols or a system of symbols. In the normal development process, expressive and receptive language should be in direct proportion to the age of the child.
Recipient Language Period:
It is known that receptive language develops before expressive language in children. In order to support receptive language development, individuals around the child need to make short, simple sentences and repeat verbal expressions.
The child's understanding of speech, the gestures and mimics used during speech, the expression of words or actions with movement, the toys used, the items suitable for the child's understanding age are effective. In all studies, the active participation of the child in the game should be ensured by using the game method. Although simple verbal expressions are used, eye contact should be established when talking to children.
Expressive Language Period:
During this period, children begin to gain the ability to express themselves. A child with normal language development will learn the language rules over time.
Although the words we use are at a level that the child can understand, children acquire every rule of speech in different age periods and can develop the old one while learning a new skill at the next age. However, what the child says, how he says, what he wants should be listened carefully. You must be a model. He should be made to imitate what we say.